Naskah drama b.sunda Kelas IX-G KELOMPOK N.yuli (Momon) : pinter,tara ngahargaan pendapat batur,heras,egois Tarisa (Audy ) : pinter,sok beda pendapat jeung momon,judes Mega ( Desi ) : pinter ,cuek tapi sok jadi panengah Nur Azizah (veranda ) : pinter,cicingeun , resep kepo Citra (febi ) : pinter tapi cuek tara ngilu diskusi , nyoo hp wae Tema : ‘’Karantina Olimpiade Sains ‘’ Dicaritakeun aya hiji kagiatan olimpiade sains tingkat provinsi satimna aya lima orang ti sakola anu beda-beda di kabupaten bandung.samemeh olimpiade maranehna kudu ngiringan karantina di salah sahiji hotel di Bandung salam sabulan. Dina hiji poe limaan jelema eta dikumpulken di hotel kamarna dibagi 2 nyaeta Dicaritakeun aya hiji kagiatan olimpiade sains tingkat provinsi satimna aya lima orang ti sakola anu beda-beda di kabupaten bandung.samemeh olimpiade maranehna kudu ngiringan karantina di salah s
As reported by Stanford Medical, It is really the one and ONLY reason women in this country live 10 years more and weigh an average of 42 lbs lighter than us.
BalasHapus(And really, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING related to "HOW" they are eating.)
P.S, I said "HOW", not "what"...
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